Anti-Asian Hate Resource Lists & Support


A compilation of resources lists by organizations addressing Anti-Asian hate and violence.

Know of a list you suggest we add? Send it our way through this form.

Curated by Louisa Liu and Lauren Ito.

atlanta shooting response

  • Rapid Response to Atlanta Shooting by Red Canary Song

    Resources and direct donation links to the families and the survivors of the Atlanta shooting compiled by Red Canary Song. Red Canary Song is “a grassroots collective of Asian and migrant sex workers, organizing transitionally.”

Reporting hate crimes

Resource lists

Resources for those wanting to help, get involved, or stay informed about community-based response efforts looking to address the systemic issues facing Oakland Chinatown



  • Healing Asian Communities Circles by Modern Health

    Asians around the world have experienced an upsurge of anti-Asian racism since the beginning of the pandemic due to the impact of white supremacy and hateful rhetoric surrounding the Coronavirus. With the stereotyped homogenization of Asian-identifying individuals, harm and violence have plagued the daily lived experiences of many Asians. Join this Circle with a Modern Health therapist for an intersectional space to learn, process, and heal.